OA Steps and Traditions Study / Once Monthly OA HOW Speaker
Save the Date: Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (starting Sunday, March 6, 2022)
Save the Date: Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (starting Sunday, March 6, 2022)
Save the Date: Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (starting Sunday, March 6, 2022)
Day/Time: Sunday 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Location: The Heights Club, 3925 Dacoma, Suite B (The Purple Room),
Houston, TX 77092
Meeting description: study of OA Steps and Traditions / once monthly OA HOW speaker
Meeting format: Study and share on the OA HOW Steps and Traditions, in order / OA HOW speaker on the last meeting of each month
Literature: OA 12 & 12 will be available for purchase at the meeting;
also available at The OA Bookstore
For more information, contact:
Kevin Mc, (832) 654-4233
Greg M, 713-304-4614
Rhonda S, (713) 444-0895
Julie M, (281) 844-7033
Are you the only man in your meeting?
Do you have trouble freely sharing in meetings of mostly women?
The World Service Survey done in 2010 revealed that only about 13% of our fellowship consists of men! If you want to connect with other men in OA, there are many meetings, by phone and in-person,with a Special Focus for Men, as well as several other ways you can connect with men in the program. Click HERE for a flyer with more information.