OA/HOW New Beginnings Meeting – Fort Worth

Virtual Event Virtual Event

January 30 @ 6:45 pm 7:45 pm

OA/HOW New Beginnings Meeting – Fort Worth

The New Beginnings OA/HOW group is based in Fort Worth, Texas, and follows a different format from the Houston OA/HOW meetings. Weekly meeting topics are:  Big Book study, Step of the Month study, Tradition of the Month study or General Discussion, Speaker, Chair’s Choice if there is a 5th week.  New Beginnings uses both A.A. and O.A. literature as well as literature agreed upon by group conscience.  New Beginnings follows the structure (food plans, questions, etc.) agreed upon by the DFW OA/HOW Intergroup in 1993. 

Virtual Information:

Meeting Number:  283 565 1317
Meeting Password:  441395

Find your local numberhttps://us02web.zoom.us/u/kblULn3Oc


New OA HOW Meeting Announcement!!

OA Steps and Traditions Study / Once Monthly OA HOW Speaker

Save the Date: Sundays @ 2:00 p.m. (starting Sunday, March 6, 2022)

Day/Time: Sunday 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.

Location: The Heights Club, 3925 Dacoma, Suite B (The Purple Room),
Houston, TX 77092

Meeting description: study of OA Steps and Traditions / once monthly OA HOW speaker

Meeting format: Study and share on the OA HOW Steps and Traditions, in order / OA HOW speaker on the last meeting of each month

Literature: OA 12 & 12 will be available for purchase at the meeting;
also available at The OA Bookstore

For more information, contact:
Kevin Mc, (832) 654-4233
Greg M, 713-304-4614
Rhonda S, (713) 444-0895
Julie M, (281) 844-7033